“Money Matters with Jim Doyle”

Episode #13: Financial Literacy – A Lifelong Journey

What was the motivation behind the show?

Do any of these scenarios seem familiar: Buying a car or home? Negotiating a loan or mortgage? Managing personal finances? Dividing assets on a marital breakdown? Investing? Generating tax-efficient income? Funding your retirement in the lifestyle you envisioned? Settling an estate? Making smart financial choices when dealing with life’s unexpected events? Chances are your financial literacy skills will come into play.

Simply put, financial literacy touches almost every corner of our lives. Once upon a time, cash was king! Nowadays? Online purchasing, using credit, and balancing needs and wants – it’s easy in get into financial trouble. With over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry, having helped thousands of Canadians carve a path through the financial underbrush, I see the growing use of payday loans, rising debt, and people struggling to afford their lifestyles as signs of trouble on the horizon…

It’s time to develop our collective financial skills – and move beyond a sense of embarrassment, apathy, and overwhelm. My guests and I are here today to help Canadians rediscover confidence in their money choices!

We invite you to tune in Thursday at 5pm PT or Sunday at 7am on Joytv.

What is this episode about?                                                                                                  

Join me and my guests, Isobel Mackenzie, Seniors Advocate of British Columbia, Dr. Evelyn Zellerer, Founder and Director of Peace of the Circle, and Sheila Biggers, President and CEO of Junior Achievement British Columbia, as we explore the significance of financial literacy – and offer tips on having healthy money conversations with an aim to help individuals and families at all ages and stages talk openly about money. We’ll explore balancing needs and wants – budgeting and goal-setting – as well as how the FINANCIAL HABITS we develop as children SET US UP for life.

What can be unsettling…is just HOW critical it is that financial literacy become a lifelong journey, if it isn’t already. Financial literacy rarely seems important – until a time of crisis, when we’re asked to make important decisions affecting our futures – with whatever financial skills we have.

What are we hoping will come out of this show?

The weekly television series Money Matters with Jim Doyle was created in an effort to encourage Canadians to explore some of the financial issues we help clients address throughout their increasingly complex lives. My guests and I see the consequences of the financial choices people are making – every day. Financial decisions are being made at every stage of our lives – and financial literacy is not just something for the young or the old – it’s a lifelong journey.

Making smart financial decisions is integral to our everyday lives, but seeing the consequences of those choices years down the road can be difficult. Recent trends are making it imperative that Canadians understand basic finances. We’re being asked to shoulder more of the burden of making independent (smart) money choices – while deciphering and decoding a more complex financial and technological world. Isobel, Evelyn, Sheila and I want to encourage people to get on that path! Even incremental improvements in financial literacy can have a profound impact on financial habits and the ability for Canadians to be better prepared for the future.

Jim Doyle, Doyle & Associates Private Wealth Management, Investors Group Financial Services Inc.

This is a general source of information only. It is not intended to provide personalized tax, legal or investment advice, and is not intended as a solicitation to purchase securities. Jim Doyle is solely responsible for its content. For more information on this topic or any other financial matter, please contact an IG Wealth Management Consultant. Views of guest speakers may not be shared by IG Wealth Management.