Superhero Meeting

Joy Factor is a new feature that celebrates moments that will bring a smile to your face!

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On the silver screen, actors play superheroes. But, actors who really get what life is about can also be superheroes when the costumes are hung up and a fan is in need of encouragement.

Earlier this week, 18-year-old Ryan Wilcox – a young man battling cancer for the second time – was given the surprise of a lifetime when he opened his El Cajon, California front door and came face-to-face with Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans of “Captain America: Civil War,” as well as their “Avengers’ co-star, Gwyneth Paltrow.

Ryan, who is a massive Marvel Comics and Captain America fan, shook his head in disbelief as Paltrow filmed the encounter. (You can watch video of this special meeting at the end of this article.)

“Hey, what’s up buddy?” Said Evans. “We were in the neighborhood and thought we’d cruise by.” In his Captain America t-shirt, Ryan greeted the super trio, with a “Hey guys.”

Amy Wilcox, Ryan’s mother, told the Sand Diego Union-Tribune that the actors spent an hour at their home and spoke with Ryan as if they had been friends for years.

“[Gwyneth] told me this is a gift from one mom to another mom,” recalled Amy. “She knew how happy it would be for me to see Ryan so happy.”

“It was really cool hanging out with them. That really picked me up,” explained Ryan, who also managed to collect some amazing photos and autographs during the experience. “I’m going to get through this.”

The San Diego Union-Times reports that Ryan views Captain America as a symbol of strength and that the film series has given him the motivation to get better. The films have also helped distract him from the rounds of chemotherapy he has endured, as well as bone marrow treatments.

Two weeks ago when thousands of students at San Diego’s Grossmont High School held a rally for Ryan, mere months after his weakening immune system forced him out of school. Together, the students wore red, white and blue, and chanted “Ryan strong!” Shortly thereafter, a group of students started a Facebook campaign designed to get “Captain America: Civil War” stars to pay Ryan a visit. Within days, Evans responded with a video encouraging his brave fan to “stay strong.”

This sentiment was reiterated at the Wilcox home, as Evans signed a photo of Ryan wearing the Captain America outfit with the message: “Stay strong Brother!! Chris Evans. CAP.”

-Adam Grant